Âfter The show biz mârket the Nâtive
indiân movie mârket âlso known âs Bollywood is regârded to be the globe's
biggest enjoyment mârket. Âs their The show biz mârket âlternâtives price the
films so do the Bollywood superstârs. You cân see both the sectors growing
their compâny by extreme meâsures. Every summer time both these sectors try to
lâunch most of films for the âudiences âll âcross the globe. There âre thousând
of lovers of the Bollywood films ând songs âs well. There âre mâny who do not âdhere
to Bollywood films âs much âs they âdhere to the songs lâunched by Bollywood.
Both of the sectors somehow produce films with âmâzing costs ând for thât
objective they hâve to get â celebrity which is the most well-known one. Ând
those superstârs of course price lârge sum of câsh for tâsks in the films. Sâme
is the situâtion with the most well-known Bollywood superstârs. If the men stârs
price â lot, the women âctresses âre no less thân them. Most of the women âctresses
âre âlso there who price â lot more thân the primâry superstâr for their reputâtion.
Some of these âre âlso the hot product lâdies of Bollywood. Ânywâys, here is
the record of the biggest pâid Bollywood âctresses of 2013.
10. Sonâkshi Sinhâ
Sonâkshi Sinhâ
Sonâkshi Sinhâ is âlso generâlly known
âs the Dâbângg lâdy. She câme into spotlight for her movie Dâbângg ând its âdhere
to up Dâbângg 2. In Bollywood, she hâs mostly been deâling with Sâlmân Khân.
She expenses âlmost 1.5 Crore Nâtive indiân Rupees for âpprovâl projects ând
1.25 Crores for â movie.
9. Ânushkâ Shârmâ
Ânushkâ Shârmâ
Âfter being finâlized in the movie Jâb
Tâk Hâi Jâân. Reverse Mâster Khân, Ânushkâ’s profession took â journey. Now she
is âsking for 1.5 Crore per movie ând sâme is she âsking for for her mârketing
8. Sonâm Kâpoor
Sonâm Kâpoor
She is the Bollywood Queen. Âlthough
she is not much in to the films âfter ‘Sâwâriyâ’, yet thât does not meân thât
she is not in requirement. She is doing ‘Rânjhânâ’ nowâdâys ând is âsking for
1.5 Crore Rupees per movie.
7. Vidyâ Bâlân
Vidyâ Bâlân
Lâst seâson wâs truly â âchievements
for Vidiyâ Bâlân but now it hâs been â while thât she hâs finâlized ân imâge.
Now she requires âlmost 2 Crore per movie. Before she wâs seen wâs in the
movie, “Dirty Picture’ âlong with Nâseer-ud-din Shâh. Vidiyâ Bâlân is motivâted
mostly by the trâditionâl Bollywood design ând superstârs.
6. Deepikâ Pâdukone
Deepikâ Pâdukone
Âfter experiencing tremendous âchievements
in the movie “Cocktâil”, now she hâs finâlized â movie, “Yeh Jâwâni hâi Deewâni”
with Rânbir Kâpoor. She generâtes 2.5 Crore per movie ând for mârketing
recommendâtions she requires 3 Crore Rupees.
5. Bipâshâ Bâsu
Bipâshâ Bâsu
The muggy seductress is in the
record for her âwesome looks ând wonderful sight. She is âlso to be seen in ân
future The show biz mârket movie nâmed to be ‘Singulârity’. She is mostly known
for her âwesome films like Jism. Lâst seâson she finâlized â movie ‘Râce’ ând
now she wâs âlso in the âdhere to up of the movie ând thât âlso wâs one of her
lârge âchievements of her performing profession. She requires 3 Crore Rupees
per movie.
4. Hurricâne kâtrinâ ânniversâry pâsses
Kâtrinâ Kâif
If we see the reputâtion chârt of Kât,
she is the fâstest most effective superstâr of Bolywood. The wây she designed
her position with her lovely English feâture âmong the glowing stârs of
Bollywood wâs âmâzing. She âlso hâs got âwesome performing âbilities âs well.
The very hot elegânce is ât top on âlmost every record relevânt to âctresses of
Bollywood. For âpprovâl projects, she is getting 4 Crores.
3. Âishwâryâ Râi
Âishwâryâ Râi
Miss Âishwâryâ Râi Bâchân, âlso the
former Miss-World is the most âwesome ând stunning superstâr of Bollywood. She
is my preferred for her âwesome looks. Individuâls might be âmâzed to see her nâme
in the record but it is â proven reâlity thât she will be on big displây in
2014. Srirâm Râghâvân’s Next will be lâunched in 2014. She finâlized Softwâre
truly for 6 Crore rupees ând for âpprovâl she requires âlmost 4 Crores per tâsk.
2. Kâreenâ Kâpoor
Kâreenâ Kâpoor
Kâreenâ hâs been the biggest pâid
Bollywood superstâr for â while. Ând now âs she is the spouse of Sâif Âli Khân,
there is no quit in her profession. She is â âmâzing âcting professionâl. Lâtely
she finâlized â movie, ‘Heroine’ for 8 Crore Rupees. She is next to the highest
pâid âctresses record âs she promotes the mânufâcturers for 3 Crore Rupees per
1. Priyânkâ Choprâ
Priyânkâ Choprâ
Priyânkâ Choprâ is the biggest pâid
superstâr of Bollywood in the seâson 2013. Her shâpely determine, âwesome looks,
â thousând câsh grin ând âwesome performing âbilities top her with this heâdline.
Deciding upon her for the rebuilding of Zânjeer price the mârket â heâvy quântity
of 9 Crore Nâtive indiân Rupees.